
Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Sunday, December 9, 2012


My friend has being persistently dogging me for a "personal post all about her". For ages I was trying to think  of something that wasn't too sentimental but would still satisfy her innate desire for me to love her (she's pretty needy)... It was a difficult task so, eventually, I decided to give up. Then, a few days ago I met her and she, again, asked me where it was, I attempted to fob her off but it was unsuccessful (she's also irritatingly persistent) so, I've decided, she deserves it. I've also decided that now is the perfect time to do it cause she's currently struggling to get through exams and I've never seen her quite this apprehensive!

So, in the name of cheering her up...

Reasons Rachel's Great.

I met Rachel about two years ago, the details are foggy, all we're fully aware of is that the reason we bonded quite fast was our intense hatred of pretty much everyone bar each other. This is one of the reasons I enjoy her presence quite a lot; there are very few people who can actually relate to my occasional hatred of everyone and everything. (when I say occasional I mean frequent).


I'm quite a funny person, I personally think I'm hilarious, not everyone agrees with me, however, when I've done good and been really funny Rach appreciates it more than anyone! She frequently gets tears in her eyes when she's laughing (surprisingly not always at me) and this always makes me, and everyone else, laugh even harder, thus making her one of the best people to be around.

She retweets my tweets quite a bit (again, because I'm hilarious) and when she knows I'm feeling rough or annoyed at something, or someone, she always gives me two x's at the end of our texts/tweets/whatsapps/vibers whatever. 

Despite the fact that I'm the funny one, sometimes, she makes me laugh so hard I nearly wet myself. Attractive, I know.


Her life is a series of continuous disasters and she has no problem sharing it with everyone, everything from her family to study and her drunken antics. Nothing is a taboo topic and if she thinks you'll enjoy the story she'll make sure you hear about it, I appreciate that kinda stuff.

I text her the last day about very minimal advancements in a relationship I may or may not be having with a member of the opposite sex(seriously, no one knows if we're having it or not, not even us) and despite the fact that it was extremely minimal, not a big deal at all and her recent antics have been much more impressive, she got genuinely excited for me. She's nice like that. 


She's extremely intelligent and she works hard despite the fact that she doesn't really need to. If she wants something she'll stop at nothing to get it. Her determination is admirable. She's a really good friend and will always follow her own mind and go by what she thinks is right, not by what everyone else is telling her is right. She has her own mind, which these days is hard to come across. Even when she's having an extremely bad day she'll take time out of her day if you need her. Most of all, she truly believes in me and everyone else around her, she believes that I'll get where I want to be and be happy and at the end of the day, all you need is someone who believes in you and pushes you to go for what you want. (and is funny... and nice.. and caring)

All of this stuff put together equates to one of the most inspiring and motivational girls I know. She does what she wants, when she wants, how she wants. She follows her dreams and believes that everyone else should too.

Simple really?


(This post is extremely sentimental in the name of a friend, it will probably not happen again.)