
Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ensuring your friends misery while you're away? Here's how!

Originally published in Studenty, an online magazine, check it out :D

I woke up this morning to the rain pattering gently on my window and a cloudy overcast sky. I put on my slipper socks and went downstairs to have some warm tea and soothing porridge. Sounds like a pretty beautiful Sunday morning in the middle of November, right? Except it’s June, it’s JUNE!!! All of us poor unfortunates, who didn’t have the funds or the foresight to arrange plans for the summer, are stuck in Ireland, with the perpetually indesicive, sticky, sweaty weather and the same people most of us have known since we were twelve or thirteen and we’d rather not have to see everyday for the “best summer ever, 2012”

While we’re suffering away here, dealing with the weather and unsociable working hours our lovely friends who had excessive amounts of money and the intelligence to actually plan for the summer are happily rubbing our collectives faces in it.

First of all can we start with before they go ... Does anyone really want to help their best friend pack up enough clothes for three months of them living the life when you know you’re not going anywhere further than the outskirts of Conamarra, and let’s face it, who wants to go there? They’ll ask, under the pretence of “spending as much time together as we can before I go”, you’ll accept, you fool, and you shall sit there for an hour, maybe two listening to all their plans, your heart beginning to simmer with jealousy and you’ll eventually have to leave before you lash out with sheer resentment.

Now, I love a good aul Facebook check in every now and again just to reassure people that I’m having the time of my life, all the time. Therefore, I can appreciate these sporadic check ins. I, however, did not appreciate every single person who was leaving the country checking in at Terminal 1 or 2 (I wouldn’t know because I’m still in Galway), Im pretty sure very few people appreciated it. All those well wishers commenting underneath wishing you a good holiday, they didn’t mean it, don’t be fooled!

Now, let’s discuss the numerous promises of having Skype dates. Do you actually want to talk to your friend in the blistering sunshine in California, surrounded by beautiful members of the opposite sex and charming everyone left, right and centre with the heaviest accent they could possibly put on? While we sit here, pasty white and abandoned by our friends? I don’t think so. So, when you go, set up a Skype account, but please, do it solely for your parents, no one else wants to see your tanned, happy face!!

So, for all you j1’ers and you inter railers or you people travelling around France or Italy somewhere, just in case you think we care, we don’t. Please, let us be blissfully ignorant to how much fun you are having! Let us live in our own ignorance and we will assume that you are simply pretending to enjoy your summer, you’re really home sick and missing the rain. Yes, living in our own ignorance for sure J

Saturday, June 23, 2012

NUI Galway announce scholarship scheme for Leaving Cert students

Originally published in Studenty, an online magazine for university contributers

A new, much needed scholarship scheme has being announced by National University of Ireland, Galway. NUI Galway is one of Ireland’s foremost centres of academic excellence. Over 17,000 students undertake an extensive range of studies at the University, which is renowned for the quality of its graduates.

The scholarship involves rewading any student who achieves 560 or over in the Leaving Certificate and goes on to study in NUI Galway with an automatic scholarship of €2,000. These scholarships, called the “Excellence Scholarships” are designed to recognise and reward Leaving Certificate students and encourage their diligence and success while they are studying in NUI Galway.The students who apply for this criteria will be automatically contacted by the college once they enrol in NUI Galway.

The qualification criteria for Medical students differs slightly, there will be 10 special scholarships for those scoring in the top 10, based on the combined results of the Leaving Certificate and the H-PAT. Meanwhile, a certain number of scholarships will be kept by individual colleges, to ensure an even distribution across the different disciplines.

The Excellence Scholarships recognise the academic achievements of our brightest new entrants, who have performed exceptionally well in the Leaving Certificate,” explains Martina Ní Chúlain, Admissions Officer at NUI Galway. “These prestigious awards will provide some financial assistance to high calibre students, thus facilitating their transition into higher education and their continued academic success.”

The initiative is one of a series of scholarship schemes put in place by NUI Galway to help encourage academic success. Students at NUI Galway can also benefit from Postgraduate Scholarships, Mature Student Scholarships and schemes specific to individual colleges for those who excel in their University exams.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Coral is just my new colour crush. I’m so happy that it’s exploding all over the place cause it's just fab and I absolutely adore it.

How fab are the teal accessories? I'd never have thought of that.
Love it!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Everything about moving out this summer seemed like the best idea in the world, the freedom, the saving on taxis, living with friends and being so much closer to work. The absolute dream, right? 

The only thing that I knew would bother me was that my internet connection would be down. Down, as in completely gone, for two whole weeks! How would I survive? How would I stay in contact with all of my acquaintances? How would I sort out my wages? How would I buy clothes? Most importantly, how would I maintain my incredible talent at creeping that I have cultivated over several study weeks over the years? As a result of my delight at moving in to my fabulous house I decided, with a pretty high level of optimism, I’d take it as a challenge. Could I live without the internet? Would I be happier? Would I be lonelier? Would I realise that doing things without the internet was more fun.

Monday was easy; admittedly, I turned on my computer several times to do something and realise half way through that no, I had no internet connection. I also may have flipped my Wi-Fi on my phone absentmindedly every time I was bored, which was my first realisation; do we go online to creep while pretending we’re doing something “productive” as we have all said on several occasions to our mothers.

It wasn’t until pay day on Wednesday when I realised that I legitimately had a use for the internet, I religiously check my balance after pay day to ensure that I have in fact gotten paid the right wages, I couldn’t do this this week and the effort, that massive colossal effort of moving out of bed and walking to the atm very nearly killed me. Fortunately, I did get paid, and quite generously, so inevitably I decided I’d go out on Thursday night. I made my way home again intent on surprising myself with a new pair of shoes for the weekend, and then I recalled, no internet to purchase said shoes on. Disaster. I had to make my way all the way back into town to try and buy shoes, that they didn’t have in my size, something which wouldn’t have happened online and if it had I could have spotted much faster and with ease.

After my successful Thursday night out my first aim was to creep on and hopefully, accept an add from someone I had met the night before. With the biggest smile on my face I stretched myself awake and reached for my laptop. I was seriously triumphant with my antics from the night before and then, bam, the depression hit, I HAD NO INTERNET. How was my triumphant night going to transform into a successful friendship if there was no internet to connect it? I also realised that it was difficult to maintain communication with acquaintances and even friends without chat on Facebook. Does that mean that we’re not actually friends or that we just no longer had time to talk to each other?

On Friday I decided I wanted to start Tag Rugby and got my Dad to research it, on the internet, of course, and then we realised you had to register online. Something I was unable to do. I then tried to call the beauticians to book an appointment and they directed me to the website to make a booking. Great!

By the time UPC arrived with the internet I was curled up in a shrivelled ball in the corner of my sitting room. I nearly passed out when I saw them come. I proceeded to spend the next four hours online and now, I am sick of it all again.

Through this unwanted experiment, I can’t decide, can we not live without the internet? Or have we fooled ourselves into thinking that? Is there too much dependency on the internet to stay in contact with people? Would it not be much easier to leave your house to do these things rather than setting up your laptop and ensuring you don’t meet anyone? I am still none the wiser, I just know, for that week I was internet less, everything seemed like a much bigger effort!

Who'd have known?

If you're young, try not to get involved with the "too cool" crowd. That quickly becomes the crowd that's too cool to work hard, too cool to take chances, and too cool to succeed.

Day for the Ducks

I feel like it's constantly raining here. It's not even proper rain, it's all about that crappy drizzly rain that absolutely destroys your hair and clothes because you just don't feel like you're getting as wet as you are!

As someone who suffers from rain induced boredom on a regular basis, one of the hazards of living in a country with no seasons, just rain. Here's what I do to prevent the inevitable onset of depression that the rain promises in this country.

The first is that most obvious, but the best. No matter if it's four in the afternoon or ten in the morning, put down a fire, get a good book and blanket, put on the kettle and refuse  to move for the day. This is one of the most enjoyable days you could spend!

Bake!! Of course. At least when you do this you feel like you're doing something productive as well as avoiding the rain, and hooow cute are these creations?

(my wardrobe obviously looks like this haha)

Sort out your wardrobe. It may seem boring but it's so worth it when you're done, you feel so so organised and hey, what else are yea gonna be doing on a day you can't even leave your house?

Go swimming. You're gonna get wet anyway, right? Might as well have fun while you're at it.

Dance in the rain, a cliché, I know. Go for a walk in the woods (wrap up well obviously). Enjoy the rain instead of avoiding it.

rent out an entire box set of your favourite series and invite your best friend along. The perfect way to catch up and avoid the rain.

Make a wonderful dinner. I tend to overeat, a lot when it's raining so distract yourself by making a healthy meal. Win-win. No mindless eating and a healthy dinner to show for it! 


Monday, June 18, 2012

Reasons I'm Happy to Start the Week

 As the weeks go on it’s getting closer to a time when all my friends that are going  to be home this summer, will be J

^Gilly in the middle, literally one of my fav gals, she's coming home from Budapest soon :)

^ This is my babes, Jamie, she's in London in college absolutely living the life, I've known her since I was a baby and I miss her so much <3

One of my best friends, Kate, is finally home from her year Erasmus! I'm excited to start adventures again :)

^ Turns out we need a lot more photos together!

My pride in the Irish fans who travelled out to the Euros has reawakened my patriosm and has ensured that I ignore the fact that we’ve lost every game!

Got a nice lil pay package this week so I went a bit crazy in Miss Selfridge this week, I love new clothes.

I plan on doing some massive baking this week.

My friend and I are also planning on cycling to Spiddal this week which I’m super excited about!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012



Most particularly to the best Dad in the world, mine, of course!

Some people may argue that fathers Day, Mothers Day, Valentines Day, all of these holidays are simply Hallmark holidays, designed to ensure the needless expenditure on cards, chocolate and presents for whomever you’re buying for.

I don’t think so. In Ireland, in particular, we’re a nation that don’t really express our thoughts or emotions. I can’t remember the last time I told my Dad I loved him, or anyone else for that matter. As a nation we tend to avoid any declarations of love or anything that would make you vulnerable to rejection or other people’s judgement. Therefore, I love days like today, days where  you’re supposed to show love to the people who matter the most in your life.

My favourite people in the world.

My Dad is one of my favourite people. We’re the exact same so we don’t always see eye to eye, read never. Despite the fact that he gets on my nerves nine out of ten times we’re together I’m eternally grateful to him. Although my Mam is the best it was certainly my Dad that cultivated the wanderlust that is perpetually evident in my personality, he ensured I had a decent sense of humour and only for him I wouldn’t be able to take half as much slagging as I am.

We argure as much as any other parent and child, slightly more at times but while he does sometimes annoy me I’m aware that he’s fiercly loyal to all of us, hugely passionate and follows through with absolutely everything he starts, despite any problems he’s had he’s always gotten up and kept trucking through.

These are qualities I can only hope I exude, because I know for sure I have his irritating habits, lack of patience and quick temper J

Love you Dad.

Happy Father’s Day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kirb SIN Post

From talking to many students around the campus from many different clubs, societies and courses I have discovered that there many people are on the same generic wave length as regards to what you should and shouldn’t participate in during your time in University. 

Joining clubs and socities is a big one that everyone agrees on, attempting to pass the year with a decent grade while having as much fun as possible is also a key factor on most peoples “to-do lists”. 

In an attempt to get a new point of view on the Galway college experience, one that isn’t clouded by “the grass is always greener” syndrome, I went in search of some visiting students. Brendan Kirby, from New York has been here for exactly two months and is staying for another three so while he has experienced enough to know his favourite bits, so far, he hasn’t been here long enough to become unimpressed with the city and what it has to offer, so far. My perfect candidate!

So, when I’m talking to Brendan I try to take a step back and look at Galway from the perspective of someone who hasn’t lived here their whole life and I begin to recognise, all over again, why people love this city so much. His first piece of advice to me is to see Shop Street, to really enjoy it. Initially I’m slightly dubious because I mean, it’s just a street, right? But then when I think about it, it is just a street but it’s a fabulous street. The shop exteriors are like something you’d see in a movie and where else do you find muriels been painted on the ground on a Saturday and Santa climbing down the Treasure Chest over Christmas. 

One of the most famous Galway characters is the “doughnut man”, the man who surprisingly enough, sells doughnuts at the Saturday market, something I would also suggest everyone leaves their bed on a Saturday morning to see.

An avid hiker Brendan has more since he’s been here than most of us have in our lives, he’s joined the Galway Mountaineering Club and loves it. He likes to hike to “see the country for what it really is”.  He also says that because we’re so close to all this wonderful nature we should take advantage of it. He has been to see the Cliffs of Moher and the Aran Islands and he categorises them in some of his favourite bits of his trips so far!

So while we may be slightly unimpressed with the weather, the government and the same things day in  and out, try looking at our college experience from an outsiders perspective. We’re close to and have so many wonderful things in our city, take advantage of it!