
Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Saturday, April 28, 2012

“We live in an age where we all act like we’re together, do things like we’re together but never commit to each other fully enough to actually be together.”
A friend of mine recently had that as a Facebook Status and it got me thinking. After productively spending my study week trawling through Facebook, Pinterest and various websites it seems this is a common gripe with girls from our generation.

In my group of friends there is a definite divide between the girls that notice this and lament it and the girls who would rather it stay that way. There are the girls who talk about the romantic endeavours of people on tv, and cry over beautiful love songs and the girls who laugh at them and gag when they see happy couples in the street. While I’m aware of this divide I don’t think it exists as prominently as my friends would like to think. A lot of it is forced. My best friend gags and laughs at us every time we talk about the opposite sex or our other halves but I also know that deep down, after going through a nasty break up, it’s just that she’s afraid of being hurt again.

So why is it like this? Why have we become a generation that won’t commit to each other? Why won’t the majority of girls I know admit it when they feel flutterings toward a certain someone and why don’t guys treat girls like royalty or even with a level of human respect?

Have things really changed so much from a time when boys were gentlemen and girls were ladies?

They haven’t. Girls are afraid, afraid of being hurt, afraid of commitment, rejection and looking silly. But then again, guys are too. The problem is, from a girls perspective, guys are still expected to make all the right moves and act like gentlemen but girls, in, what I believe is a misguided attempt to assert their feminism, are acting like boys, and so why should boys bother if the girls they’re trying to win over are out getting drunk and moving from boy to boy every night?

We need to go back to the start, back to a time when you were married before you slept with someone, well maybe not that far, but certainly, we need to go back to the days when you dated someone before you kissed them, you didn’t just meet them in a drunken stupor outside a club somewhere. Maybe this is a problem merely associated with my friends and the town we live in but there is certainly, a deep rooted desire out there from girls for men to act like men and for that to happen girls must act like ladies.

Think back to when your Grandmother was a 20 something year old woman and reflect on how she might act and maybe then, we’ll have a slight change in societies way of thinking!