
Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Rest of my Life?

I work as a retail assistant. Every morning, every single morning, I wake up dreading going to work. No matter if it’s a four hour shift or an eight hour one. I dread it. On my days off I don’t enjoy the day, I spend my whole day trying to squish in as much as possible while dreading the next day and the inevitable return to work. I know this isn't what I wanna do for the rest of my life, and I know, I know, it’s a part time job to get me through college, but I want to enjoy my part time job. I want it to mean something. To satisfy me. To help me become whatever it is I want to be in years to come?
I hate working in Retail.

Does this mean that I’m a snob? That I’m destined for greater things? Or just that I've a much bigger sense of entitlement than I should?
Despite the fact that I hate my current job, I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life, I mean, I have a general idea... I want to be rich, happy and love life and my career, not so difficult, right? Hmmph.

I once read that whatever you do when you have free time is what you should be doing for the rest of your life. With this in mind, I sat down and really considered my options.. I came up with quite a few options.

The things I love to do when I've nothing else to do:


God, I love a good book, there’s nothing I like better than getting stuck in a book so good that you cannot physically or mentally drag yourself away. I love when you find a book that’s so good that whenever you get a chance, lunch, morning traffic or waiting for that elusive doctors appointment, you have to whip it out cause you just HAVE to know what’s going to happen next. From here I deducted that I could be a publisher, that’s what they do, right? They read a lot of scripts til they find one good enough to publish. My only problem, I hate bad writing, guess who couldn't finish the Twilight series? Yes. Me.
On to the next!!


I love food. I love eating it, I love thinking about it, I love talking about it and anyone who follows my instagram will know I love taking photos of it. I just think there hasn't been a more wonderful thing ever made. When Kate Moss said “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” I nearly dropped, clearly the woman hasn't eaten enough good food. I could never be a chef though, I simply don’t have the patience, waiting for the kettle to boil irks me. Trying to get a recipe or dish just right would tip me over the edge.  My mother suggested I be a food critic, I considered it but I couldn't do it. I understand more than most just how frustrating cooking is and I just couldn't destroy someone’s day by telling them what they’d poured their sweat, blood and tears into just didn't satisfy me.


I also adore clothes. I love buying them, reading about them and there’s nothing better than when you’re wearing an outfit you feel really super comfortable in. I've started a styling part time course now and I really hope that it will be part of my future plan. Someday. I’m not gonna lie, the only negative I found about this was the price.. I can’t afford all the clothes I want, but hey, when I decide what I wanna be I’ll inevitably be rich and therefore “the limit does not exist”.
One last time!


I've only recently discovered my love of writing. It’s the best. I literally have so many thoughts running around in my head on a daily basis that if I didn't get things out on paper there’s no way it would be good for my mental health. I always feel like once you start typing or writing you continue and revelations and epiphanies come to you that would never have come to you without the assistance of a pen and paper. There’s no denying, I also love a good rant. Writing about it ensures that no one person has to listen to it unwillingly and whoever reads it has put themselves through the misery :P

So, I lied at the start.. I know exactly what I want to do with the rest of my life. It’s not what I’m doing my undergrad in and it’s certainly not retail, it does, however involve all of these things. Even if the food is just me eating it.
I can’t wait to start!