
Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The One Where I Start Discovering London

So, in case you didn't notice, I've recently moved to London (if you didn't notice you literally wouldn't notice me hitting you across the head with a brick) albeit only for the summer. However, I'm kind of, half, sometimes on my own. In that I mean that I'm not really on my own but I do spend a lot of time on my own and as anyone who knows me will tell you that's never a good idea for my sanity. Or anyone else's if I'm honest. 

So, with all this time spent on my own, I got really, really lonely. I called my Mam nearly everyday and I was just a general irritation to my friends who live here and, surprisingly, have their own lives and aren't there to entertain me whenever I'm free? In the midst of this developing loneliness I pretty much completely forgot what I was here for. 

Then, in one of my stronger mental moments, I realised what I was doing by indulging myself in this "loneliness" not only was I gaining pounds by the day (comfort eating, hey?) I was also missing out on one of the best, most independent, follow-your-dreams-esque things I've done so far in my life and who wants to hear the story about how you went to London and got really lonely? I couldn't be more of a cliché.

So, in the café that the realisation struck me, I shook myself, visibly (there were questions and sideways glances) and I focused on one of the reasons I came here and left my cute little bohemian town behind for the summer, it was supposed to be a discovery mission. I adore exploring and finding new places so what better way to do it than move to a completely new place? Therefore, from now on I am going to focus on all those simple and small moments you can enjoy when you're spending time in a new place. Appreciating a different culture and place, in my opinion, happens best when you're doing ordinary things like going to the market, getting lost among winding roads, or simply drinking a coffee on the side of the road. 

I'm going to embrace these simple moments.

And let's be real, there's no one I can put up with as well as I put up with myself! I'm hilarious!!

 I adore these two old men millions.

This little coffee tent is right in the green outside my work place everyday?  




Jessica Brown said...

I'm living in London too, and like you, I've been spending much of it alone!

It's hard to motivate yourself to go out and explore when you're on your own so I take my hat off to you!

Ciara said...

I've started going around in my gym gear so it's time to bring some friends into the mix I think!

Thank you! Put your hat back on *blushes*