
Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Concevoir une vie que vous aimez

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day for the Ducks

I feel like it's constantly raining here. It's not even proper rain, it's all about that crappy drizzly rain that absolutely destroys your hair and clothes because you just don't feel like you're getting as wet as you are!

As someone who suffers from rain induced boredom on a regular basis, one of the hazards of living in a country with no seasons, just rain. Here's what I do to prevent the inevitable onset of depression that the rain promises in this country.

The first is that most obvious, but the best. No matter if it's four in the afternoon or ten in the morning, put down a fire, get a good book and blanket, put on the kettle and refuse  to move for the day. This is one of the most enjoyable days you could spend!

Bake!! Of course. At least when you do this you feel like you're doing something productive as well as avoiding the rain, and hooow cute are these creations?

(my wardrobe obviously looks like this haha)

Sort out your wardrobe. It may seem boring but it's so worth it when you're done, you feel so so organised and hey, what else are yea gonna be doing on a day you can't even leave your house?

Go swimming. You're gonna get wet anyway, right? Might as well have fun while you're at it.

Dance in the rain, a cliché, I know. Go for a walk in the woods (wrap up well obviously). Enjoy the rain instead of avoiding it.

rent out an entire box set of your favourite series and invite your best friend along. The perfect way to catch up and avoid the rain.

Make a wonderful dinner. I tend to overeat, a lot when it's raining so distract yourself by making a healthy meal. Win-win. No mindless eating and a healthy dinner to show for it! 
